Sunday, July 19, 2009

Your Mama

EventHorizon: is it just me or does our prof wear sweaters alot?
swtaarrs: that's a sweatshirt
EventHorizon: yeah
EventHorizon: i think sweatshirt extends sweater though
EventHorizon: so its still an instance
DroolingSheep: no it doesn't sweaters suck
swtaarrs: you're an instance of stupid
EventHorizon: ur an instance of ur mom
ChixLoveUnix: I implemented your mom last night.
EventHorizon: i extended ur mom so bad she threw an exception
EventHorizon: or something
swtaarrs: if your mom were a collection class, her insert method would be public

This made me giggle. I love the rapid disintegration of the conversation. And the user name "ChixLoveUnix".

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